River Valley Church exists to glorify God by making disciples of Jesus who love one another and impact the world with the gospel.

We're glad you're here and we look forward to meeting you!
Sunday Worship Services at 9:00 & 11:00am
Pastor Mark teaches verse-by-verse through books of the Bible. Listen to our most recent sermon series on Revelation.
Pastor Mark teaches verse-by-verse through books of the Bible. Listen to our most recent sermon series on Revelation.
Starting Point
1st Sunday of every month at 9:00am | Room 102 | Kids Ministry offered during class
Starting Point is the best place for you to learn about our mission, philosophy of ministry, and discover how you and your family can get connected. No need to sign-up for Starting Point, just show up.
1st Sunday of every month at 9:00am | Room 102 | Kids Ministry offered during class
Starting Point is the best place for you to learn about our mission, philosophy of ministry, and discover how you and your family can get connected. No need to sign-up for Starting Point, just show up.
RV Kids
Infants-5th Grade | 9:00 & 11:00am
Using the Gospel Project curriculum, kids engage in interactive classroom learning, large group time, and age-appropriate weekly lessons. Through this, our kids learn how the whole Bible points to Jesus and the gospel with Christ-centered chronological Bible studies.
Infants-5th Grade | 9:00 & 11:00am
Using the Gospel Project curriculum, kids engage in interactive classroom learning, large group time, and age-appropriate weekly lessons. Through this, our kids learn how the whole Bible points to Jesus and the gospel with Christ-centered chronological Bible studies.