Both Sunday Morning Services

Mission Partners

River Valley Church exists to glorify God by making disciples of Jesus who love one another and impact the world with the Gospel. Our mission partners are those who share this same conviction and are devoted to the Great Commission. They desire, above all else, to see God be glorified, His name be praised, and for people to know our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
As a church, we strive to assist our mission partners in accomplishing the work they are already doing in their local communities. We believe partnering with those already engaged in the proclamation of the gospel to be the most effective way of making disciples of Christ throughout the world.
The support we as a church provide to our mission partners enables them to build on and expand the ministry they are already doing. It is a tangible way for River Valley to “impact the world with the Gospel.” Our mission partners are committed to the Gospel, and our partnership with them supports them in this mission.

River Valley Mission Partners

Arjuna Chiguluri at Vision Nationals

Our goal in supporting Vision Nationals is to train and equip their leaders, who will then tend the vulnerable people in their care.
Through the Master’s Children program, Vision Nationals currently cares for and educates 60 children that come from poor families. Some of them go to Master’s School or other schools and colleges.
Visions Nationals' ministry to widows provides care to more than 30 women. This care includes attention to medical and other basic needs. Life Clinics are held in slum areas around the city as well as on Vision Nationals' campus to provide medical care and medicines to those who otherwise could not afford them.

Each year, River Valley Church financially supports Vision Nationals and Master's College of Theology, specifically supporting them through the River Valley Church Endowed Professor of Theology.
Please join us in supporting Arjuna and Vision Nationals through prayer and by giving generously.

African Christian University

Our goal in supporting African Christian University is to assist in the training of African men to become faithful Bible teachers to their own native people. The need for sound, gospel-centered, indigenous theological education in sub-Saharan Africa is as great as the continent is vast, and the ACU School of Divinity will help meet that need.
Each year, River Valley Church will sponsor a new student in the ACU School of Divinity, while continuing to support the students we have already committed to scholarshipping throughout their studies at ACU.
Please join us in supporting African Christian University through prayer and by giving generously.
Scholarship Recipient 1
Jonathan Rukundo
Scholarship Recipient 2
Gerson Ugen