Both Sunday Morning Services


River Valley exists to glorify God by making disciples of Jesus who love one another
and impact the world with the gospel.

We often think of "fishers of men" as one man at one pond with one pole trying to catch one fish, but in the church we get to put all of our gifting, time, and finances together so that many of us can reach many others as a fishing net catches many fish.
What's your strand in the net?


As the Church we are called to make disciples of all peoples. Kids are a blessing from the Lord and they will grow to be the next generation of parents and leaders. We are committed to training them up in the way they should go as early as we can. Sunday mornings we have eight classrooms for kids of all ages. Wednesday nights we fill those rooms again as we teach our kids the New City Catechism. Loving and leading our kids well requires more than 80 volunteers in a rotating schedule. Sign up to serve!


We love our students! It is our mission to make disciples of Jesus by pouring into them and teaching them what it means to choose to live for Christ. One of the best ways we can  make an impact in their lives is to simply invest time and build relationship with them.  We need your help to love and lead our students, from  Wednesday night gatherings  to  Sunday morning Community Groups, plus the special and fun events during the year, we are always looking for leaders who will help us  disciple our students.


From the moment people pull into our parking lot to the coffee we serve them, the questions we can answer and the smiles we can share will help River Valley to be a place where people are welcomed and invited to hear the gospel and see Jesus change their lives. We get to be the first people to love our guests as well as our old friends as we greet them at the doors each Sunday.


Our pastors and leaders need to be strengthened by your prayers. Pastor Mark is called to preach, but not independent of God’s power and grace - and it is through the prayers of God’s people that our pastor is strengthened. We have a team of people who meet and pray together every Sunday morning. Will you commit to being part of that team and intercede for our church? A guide is provided, and we covet your prayers.


At River Valley we love worshipping together. Worship of God is more than just making music together, but singing in church is certainly an awesome way to worship! Do you play an instrument or like to sing? Do you want to learn how to run production for a worship service? We are always looking for fresh faces and new talent and we need the church to serve the church!